Prayer For The Nation
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, New York, New YorkLet us pray to the Lord. Kyrie eleison.
Almighty God of our mothers and fathers, by Your mercy and love You have brought us once again to our national moment of passing the torch of freedom. We give You thanks for your loving kindness and compassion, and in this hour we call upon You to shower Your blessings upon our president, Joseph R. Biden, and our vice president, Kamala Harris. Grant unto them wisdom, grace, and fortitude to lead our nation to a brighter, safer, and more healthful future for all Americans. Strengthen them in their mission to bring healing, reconciliation, and peace to our land. Imbue them with virtue, righteousness, and a keen sense for justice, so that all Americans can have confidence that their rights as citizens will always be defended and protected. Safeguard and preserve our republic, our Congress and courts, our military and civil servants, so that in peace and prosperity we may live out our days. We petition Your grace and majesty, ascribing glory and dominion to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, glorified to the ages of ages. Amen.