To the Beloved Members of the Mutual Ministry,
Addressing the New Safety Guidelines:
Peace be with you!
I am writing to address modifications made to COVID-19 safety guidelines, and how they relate to in person worship services at St. Andrew’s and Christ Episcopal Church, Torrance and Redondo Beach, CA.
As a result of the current hospital occupancy rates and the resurgence of Covid-19/delta variant, we will continue to wear masks and social distance when meeting in person. In the event we have a member contract Covid-19 and attend a service we will be sure to notify all members and participants through our online community email notification system.
Our most sincere desire is to prepare God’s altar so that it may be open to all people, that all people who are hungry might be fed. We realize that many come to this table with varying perspectives regarding their understanding of COVID-19 and the risks associated with the virus. Even so, we ask all those attending to be mindful of all participants' choices and to assist in the continued effort to keep everyone safe.
In the weeks to come, we will continue to monitor COVID-19 cases in our area, and should there be no significant increase, we will continue to reassess our safety guidelines in an effort to resume worship in a way that best meets the needs of our diverse congregation.
Thank you to all those who wrote in with your thoughts and opinions regarding in person worship. Your continued voice was a strong consideration in discussing how we are moving forward. Please continue to write to me should you have any questions or concerns regarding the process.
May God bless you all and keep you safe!
Mo. Julie Beals+